Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pasta Salad

So yesterday Jared and I were supposed to go up to Athens for the day and move the rest of my stuff out. I figured since we would be gone all day, it would be nice to have a no-hassle dinner ready for us when we got back. So Sunday I made a quick and easy pasta salad and stuck it in the fridge ready for dinner the following night. It turns out we did not make it up to Athens yesterday due to one u-haul mishap after another (but we did get a lovely tour of Roswell and all their u-haul locations!) We still did enjoy the pasta salad for dinner nevertheless.

- 2 cups pasta, any kind, cooked
- Chicken (I seasoned with Italian seasoning)
- Vegetables of your choosing (I used frozen and placed them straight from the freezer into the pan with the chicken once it was cooked through)
- Italian dressing
- Parmesan cheese

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix well, and refrigerate until ready to eat.


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